Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To begin the End

I search through the shadows lost,
As my eyes dart through the harsh light,
I work for my living, but my soul pays the cost,
As I calculate and set my sight.

I retreat into moonlight, darkness covers me,
Discipline flushes my mind of emotion,
My muscles burn as cold wind washes over me,
My ears filter and block the commotion.

I get the goal, I set the means, I set the pay,
Tensed and tired, my head begins to lighten,
I see the target, I see the chance, I can get away,
Steady as a rock, my finger starts to tighten,

The target falls with my bullet to his heart,
The world will be shocked into drastic change,
Not science, not politics, this is my Art,
I quickly and silently get out of range.

Long live the King!

Aviv Nair

Re-birth of an Angel

She looks at me, eyes that could swallow whole worlds, and cry whole oceans.
Draped over her shoulders, hair that could blanket the skies in sweet black satin.
Eyes that had seen pain undescribed, only remembered through tortured screams.
Eyes that still speak of a shattered heart, longing to be whole again.
A heart that yet beats with the love that ended her universe.
A heart that yet cries out for the long-lost promised love.
Eyes that are windows to the shadows deep within.
Eyes that are shadows within shadows.

Then, like the sun bursting through the thunderclouds,
I see a sparkle, a glow, a flash, a blinding light!
Her eyes radiate with hope and happiness,
The creases around her eyes start to disappear,
Her glistening tears start to dry and evaporate,
Divine love radiates from every cell of her being,
Happiness blooms like a heavenly rose in the warmth of hope,
Her angelic beauty overwhelms me, filling me with love and hope,

She smiles at me…and I smile back!

- Aviv Nair

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Life to End it All:

Like wraiths in the dawning night,

I am teased by whispers of screams.

Always skipping just out of sight,

Play the shadows of dead dreams.

My feet wander from the bed of red coals,

I walk through the lonely crowd.

Drowning in the Sea of Lost Souls,

I hear nought but the silence so loud.

Across the mists of time looms the dead city,

A magnificent, dry and shrivelled husk.

Taunting me with strangely vibrant pity,

The bones of megaliths in the glittering dusk.

Looking forward to a future so dead,

I weave a delicate, forgotten past.

For after all is done and said,

This lifetime is my very last.

- Aviv Nair